Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Today has been a very good day! YEAH! Yesterday was a decent day also. I had a very mild headache this morning and some pressure throughout the day. Yesterday I had a little deeper headache that lasted most of the day. Before that every day was rough! I started taking the GXL again last Thursday and it has taken until yesterday to help me start feeling well again. I really feel that the chemicals in the creosote log did me in and going without the GXL for those two weeks set me back quite a bit. I am feeling once again that I am healing all over. It is amazing to have this sensation going on throughout my whole body. Again, I am convinced that this has been one of the missing links for my complete healing. I will be forever grateful to have someone introduce me to this product.

As always I pray that each of you will find the answers you are looking for. God bless.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Yesterday, I awoke with a mild headache that stayed with me most of the day. It wasn't pounding so it was bearable. I felt pretty OK besides that. But today was very different. Today at 5:10 a.m. I awoke with a pounding head & neck aches. I lay their for another 10 minutes and couldn't take it any longer. I came in to work on my computer and realized I couldn't see 50% of the screen. I knew I was in trouble, so I went in and took two 500mg of Extra strength Tylenol. If I take it early enough the headache will be much more mild. Within about an hour I could see again and the head & neck were bearable. I am going to get some more Max/GXL tomorrow. I get very clearly (which I already knew) that I still have some major healing to do. It's exciting to know that there is a natural product out there that will assist me in my healing process, without all of the side affects that come with drugs.

I have noticed my whole body is feeling deprived. My knees hurt worse today, my stomach has been struggling, my back has been aching all day, I just have felt yucky all day. Whereas, I was really starting to feel great the two weeks I was on the GXL. So, I will start taking it again tomorrow, YEAH!!! If anyone has questions about this or would like more information, please contact me on facebook. I pray that all of you will find the answers that you need for your wellness. God bless.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Thursday was the last day that I have taken the product. (I ran out.) I decided to experiment over the next few days to see how my head and body would do. On Friday I awoke again with NO HEADACHE! I am so amazed! I had a pretty good day all day on Friday. When I awoke on Saturday, I had a little pressure and as the day progressed I went into a head & neck ache for a few hours. I went to bed with a headache, not pounding, but hurting. On Sunday I awoke with more pressure but NOT a pounding headache. I truly am having a hard time believing how this has worked for me. Sunday was a pretty good day. I feel like my head is filling up with pressure again and my neck. But I am still not back to the pounding that I dreaded every day!

Today is Monday and again, no pounding head & neck ache! I have more pressure again. I can tell it is building up slowly but at least I am doing quite well. I will be picking up more product this Wednesday. I have Dave on it and he is looking better & better every day also. WOW! I know I can beat all that has been going on in my body if I will stay consistent with this product. I have truly been blessed!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I am so excited! I am sitting here once again without a headache and no neck pain! It is been years since I haven't awakened without a headache. I have just learned to live with them over time. Now I can once again feel an all over wellness occurring in my body. I AM GETTING BETTER! This Max GXL product has turned my life around and I can't thank my friend Sherrie enough for calling me and letting me know about this product! I know I still have much to do in my complete healing process, but I am definitely headed in the right direction with this. Thank you Sherrie, with all my heart Thank you!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thursday was not a fun day, but the headache was definitely caused by the Sprite. I have never been able to handle soda much and when I am already not feeling well, then that is accentuated. I took my MAX GXL that night before I went to bed. On Friday, I awoke feeling great. It has been so amazing to wake up without a pounding head and neck! I worked on two people in the morning, spent the day with my Granddaughter, Canyon, whose birthday it was. We took Grandpa and went to lunch, then we went and had the girls get their nails painted. They had a blast. I tried to burn a Creosote log in my fireplace in hopes that I could start having fires this winter. Even though it seemed to vent up, the smoke would come back into the room eventually and I kept inhaling it. The room was horrible, it smelled of smoke like crazy, so we opened all of the windows to blow it out. The log kept burning and again seemed to vent out the chimney but next thing I knew it was coming into the room again. The fire alarm kept going off, it was crazy. I worked with my friend Pamela from her fall on Thursday again. We had to just keep opening the windows and eventually went and got fans to blow it out. We scooped the log up with a snow shovel and threw it outside, but by then the damage was done. I know I had inhaled way too much smoke. I had given Pamela the sample package of the MAX I to take and she felt it was helping her.

The next morning, I awoke with a pounding head and neck. I took the GXL in hopes that it would help but my head continued to get worse. By about 10:00 a.m. it was really pounding, so I took four pain pills then for the next few hours I prayed I wouldn't throw up. I hadn't even realized that it was a couple of hours after I took the pills before the pain even began to subside. I was sobbing by this time, my head hurt so bad, I can see why people take their lives when the pain is that acute. I don't know how I lived with these headaches all those years before, other than that I was young and could deal with the pain better. I remember I use to pride myself for my pain level, but it is gone. I can't take that kind of pain anymore. It wasn't until about 1:30 p.m. that I was able to handle the pain. It had finally come down to the point that I could deal with it. My Mindy came over and fixed something to eat for me. She cooked a ton of onions and a few potatoes together, it tasted delicious. I took my GXL again later that evening and went to bed.

Sunday when I awoke, amazingly I felt pretty good. I was shocked, I thought there would be a fairly awful aftermath of the headache, but there wasn't. I had a good Sunday, I was drained from the day before but I really felt quite good. The pain in my head was very minimal.

Monday started as a very good day. Once again, the pain was very minimal, very light compared to what it had been before I started the GXL. I went to a seminar that day on this product and learned quite a bit about why it works. This product helps your body to produce the Glutathione that it needs to truly heal. It heals every cell in a way that nothing else can. It is the key component in the wellness of your cells. It truly has been my missing link. I know that everything I am taking will work a hundred times better now with this product. After I ate lunch at this seminar, my head started to act up some and I had the headache and neck ache for awhile after eating. They had given us samples to take, I had already taken one dose of GXL before I left home and then I took another at about 10:30 a.m. at the seminar. I took another dose after lunch and then again before I went to bed. I was pretty tired by the time I got home, but I was very excited to know I had found an extremely important element in my healing.

Tuesday when I got up, I had no headache just very mild pressure. I met with my friend who introduced me to GXL and signed with their company to be a rep. Never did I think I would find a product that would work for me like this one has. My friend Pamela signed up also, she couldn't hardly believe how quickly she recovered from her fall and knows it was because of the product that I had given her. We are both super excited about this. Today as I type this, I again am blown away at how I feel. My head has some pressure but I think it is more from being tired than anything else. I do not have that God awful pounding in my head and neck that I have lived with for the past few years. I thank God that He helped me find this answer. I know I am truly on a path to healing now that is going to go and flow much quicker because of this product. (I am only up typing this at this hour because my Robert decided that I shouldn't sleep! He needed a shower and insisted he was hungry. He is quite the character! For those of you who don't know my Robert, he has down syndrome. Even though he is 16, he is only on about a 5 year old level. He really doesn't complain about much, so when he woke me up at 3:15 a.m. I knew he must be uncomfortable. So here I am, finally catching up!)

I feel a wellness in my body that I haven't felt in a very very long time! I truly hope to bless many others with this knowledge. I will continue to take this and post my results. We all deserve to feel well and I am sure this is one of the answers, if not the main answer for most of us. God bless.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day. I stupidly drank a 20 oz. glass of Sprite in the afternoon. I could feel it immediately going to my head but I drank it anyway. This morning I awoke with the pounding head and neck pain. There is no doubt in my mind that it was the Sprite! My head has hurt all day and is just barely starting to ease up some. (It is now 5:50 p.m.) I am about to take my second dose of the Glutathione combination. There is a seminar on Monday that I am going to go to to learn more about this product and why it is patented. I am sure that I will not have a headache in the morning because I have been very good about my diet today. It is amazing how what we eat can take us down so quickly!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I can't believe it is Wednesday already! This morning I have a headache but not a pounding headache, it is more pressure. I can touch my neck and the base of my skull without going through the roof! Definitely something positive is happening. I don't think I took my afternoon dose of the Glutathione yesterday. So it is encouraging to still feel pretty good this morning having missed that.

Yesterday, I felt pretty good when I awoke but ending up in a raging headache for a short while later in the day. There is always pressure on my head but it is not pounding!

Monday it was the same thing. lot's of pressure but not a pounding headache until later in the day. I am quite amazed that this has worked from day 1. I will be grateful when the head truly is clear and stays clear. Again, I know my diet isn't the best right now. But we are getting there. I believe you have to take one day at a time.

Sunday was a pretty fair day. I did end up in a raging headache in the afternoon but still had a good day. I love Migraine Excedrin. I hate taking drugs but sometimes we need to function. I am very grateful that I only need it occasionally. There is always a blessing to count if you look for it.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

On Thursday when I awoke, once again I did not have a raging headache! I really had a pretty good day until late in the afternoon. While we were eating dinner, the headache returned. Once again I took the product and had a very good reaction within a short while. I am convinced that this product really is helping.

On Friday morning, I once again awoke feeling pretty good. I didn't take my glutathione until late in the afternoon and was well into a raging headache. I feel that the headaches were also triggered by the combination of foods for Thanksgiving.

I felt fairly good this morning but again by about 2:00 p.m. I went into a raging headache. But, we went to a very emotional funeral at 1:00 and I am sure that that contributed as well. Today is the first time that I have felt the pounding pain in my neck as well as my head, since I started taking the glutathione. That in itself is very exciting to me! Always before my neck and head would pound most of the morning, until I had been up for awhile. Definitely something is changing and hopefully will become a permanent change. I am going to hit the bed shortly, I am sure lack of sleep doesn't help anything.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have been praying for some answers, I feel that I haven't had all of the nutrients needed to properly heal. The other day a friend from my Rising Star days called me to see how I was doing. We talked for a few minutes and she told me about a product she and her husband were using that had helped them immensely. It's base is Glutathione, an amino acid. I brushed it off in my mind until the next day when Dr. Mercola posted in his e-mail that Glutathione is one of the most important amino acids out there. It is the master nutrient in caring for the well being of the cell. So I called my friend back and yesterday we went to lunch with Eric from the main company to cuss and discuss this product and why it is superior to all others. Today I took it for the first time at 7:30 a.m and 4:00 p.m.. Both times within 20 - 30 minutes I felt a huge difference in my head. It is almost like a release of tension. I always have a headache in the morning, but this morning my headache dissipated after taking this product and was gone until about 3:30. That is amazing to me, not much touches my head these days. So when I got a huge relief this afternoon also, I am impressed, but still want to continue taking it for the 30 days to see what it really might do. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

After Moss worked on me the second time, my body felt better for a day but I have hurt pretty much ever since. My knees actually seem better though, I can step very carefully on them and actually walk up the stairs normal. I still am very careful because my right knee still screams at me occasionally when I put much pressure on it. It has been amazing to go up the stairs normal!

I am monitoring what I eat and how much I drink. I am avid about drinking water, I know what a difference it makes for me when I do drink as much as I need. My energy is completely different when I am drinking my water. I wish I could get everyone to drink the water they need.

When I had the first C.O. poisoning, Ana was 18 months old when we found it. We had all been very sick, I swear from the day I conceived her, until the leak was discovered. Just because the leak is fixed doesn't mean that you are going to be OK. It truly takes some time to get even semi back to normal! After studying the effects of this, I don't know if we will ever know normal again.

I wonder how many people in this country are suffering from the effects of C.O. and they don't even know it. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would have this problem and for sure not twice! Just a simple exposure can cause all kinds of nerve damage and we have had two prolonged exposures. I am wondering what we are facing down the road, it doesn't sound promising. I do believe though that we can put a major curb in what most people go through just by watching our diet and supplementing. I will be forever grateful to Uncle Stanley and all that he taught me.

Right now I have decided to do the Lemon, Maple Syrup and Cayenne cleanse. I am not going to be strict but I am going to do it every day or so or even a few days in a row. They say that the people of the LDS Church should be one of the healthiest groups around, just because they fast one day a month! I feel that I can't do a bunch of days in a row, but I can do one or two here and there. I will continue to supplement because I know I am low in some areas.

I will be headed out shortly to get what I need. I really want to feel decent again. It is nice to feel as good as I do now but I really want to wake up without a headache some day. It has been a long time since I haven't had a headache or a body ache. Pain after a while gets really old.

Friday, October 29, 2010

I Need Some Answers!

The last couple of months have been very interesting. In about mid August I had a melt down about Uncle Stanley not being here. Whenever I have had problems he was the one who always helped me. He always had an answer and if he didn't he found one! I asked several people to help me if I trained them on how to do what Uncle Stanley did. Needless to say they were all all willing but it was impossible to connect. As we all know though, everything opens up when the timing is right. What prompted this need for help was something burst inside of me one day when I was doing some enemas and I filled the toilet with blood. I passed a bunch of tissue and a lot of clots. This was from my colon. It relieved a knot from my left side that had been bothering me for quite a while. The knot almost disappeared when this occurred. I have known for quite a while that I needed extra help, the kind of help that only Uncle Stanley had ever given me, but there is no one out there that does what he does.

Shortly after asking for help, on September 4th, my older brother Jerry passed away. I still can't even think of that time without crying. I know though that he is in a better place and I am so grateful for that. I am rather envious though, sometimes I get so tired of the pain on a daily basis, I can't help but wish it had been me and not him. I pray that wherever he is that he is happy and finally enjoying the ability to see, and to run freely with no restrictions. I love you Jerry.

The twins, Janene and Janeal, flew in from Texas, of course, and were here for two weeks! That was awesome! We all had the opportunity to spend some much needed time together as brothers & sisters. I have truly been blessed.

The day after the twins flew home, we had a fire in Herriman which affected many of my children, especially my daughter Laurie. The fire chief told her that there was no way she would come home to a house after this was over, her home would burn! It was a long night. Her home did not burn, what a blessing!

Also just before Jerry passed, my daughter Amber decided to alienate herself from the family and did not come to our family reunion, Labor Day weekend. I thought for sure she would call when she heard about Jerry, but she did not. I prayed hard that she and Parker would be OK. With everything she had said about her new husband, I honestly wasn't sure, that he would treat either one of them well. But especially Parker. At 4 years old, he needs someone to stand up for him.

Life doesn't stop for anyone. You can never say, "Hey, I need a break!", it just doesn't happen that way. I am continually having to say the "Serenity Prayer"...'God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.'. This prayer has helped me on many occasions. There are several other family members at odds with each other and I continually pray that they will find some peace and work through these issues, so that we can be a family once again.

Sometimes I wonder why I had 11 children, the stress of watching them go through life can be very challenging. With Julie & Michael thrown in there, it also adds a little more to worry about. I continually pray that Michael will return from Afghanistan safely and that he will not return there again. His family needs him. So with my 13 kids there isn't a whole lot of down time.

A week ago, one of our sons in law, Moss, worked on me for the first time. He definitely has a talent for this work. (And the strength!) Before he was done, I could tell I was bleeding, and by the time I got home, I was into a full blown period! The last period I had had a few weeks before had been one day and did not feel complete. I bled very heavy all that night and the next day or two, passing a ton of clots that first night. What a difference that treatment made! I felt so good a couple of days later, I could not believe the difference! Then stupidly, I worked on 5 adults and 3 kids. I was pretty tired by the time I was done and the next morning ended up having a good cry and pity party for myself. That's when I also began to research Carbon Monoxide poisoning on a deeper level. I need some answers!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


The day after my last blog was our annual family reunion. I knew I needed to come home that first night, so I brought Robert and we came home about 9:45 p.m.. About 15 minutes later I received a call from my sister-in-law telling me that my brother was in the hospital in very serious condition. I waited for awhile to see if he stabilized and he did somewhat. So I decided to wait and go over if they really needed me. At 1:15 a.m. Marilyn called again saying, I had better get over there right now! Jerry was not doing well and they couldn't seem to keep him stable. His heart rate kept dropping and his pressure was very low. After an hour or so they finally got him stable and we were allowed to go in and see him for a few minutes. From everything the doctor said, we knew he wasn't going to make it. The twins were able to get help from their church to come immediately so that they could say good bye. They flew in from Texas.

About 3:30 a.m. he was stable enough that I came home for a few hours, but I could not sleep. I knew he wasn't going to make it and I really pondered that knowledge. When Janene & Janeal arrived about 10:45 a.m. I went over to the hospital to be with my siblings, to say good-bye to Jerry and to let him go home. It was a very bittersweet experience to be able to be with him when he technically passed. We all stood around him and talked to him and told him how much we loved him and to let go and go to mom and dad. I have never had this kind of experience before. We had them unhook everything at about 1:15 p.m., Saturday the 4th of September, 2010. He passed at 1:56 p.m.. It took about 10 minutes after his final breath before they came in and pronounced him dead.

It is wonderful to know that he can see again, that all of his disabilities are gone. What a blessing to know that he is in God's hands now. Because of other mitigating circumstances, we weren't able to have his funeral until the 14th. Thank goodness the twins flight home wasn't until the 18th. His funeral was very sweet. Several of his friends from the special needs mutual came and sang "I am a Child of God". I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. What a sweet experience. He attended the special needs mutual program for about 30+ years. I had the privilege of taking him to mutual the last 8 years. This is the first time that my brothers and sisters and I have been together since our father passed away 2 1/2 years ago.

I had many enjoyable moments with my family during this time. I am so grateful for that. I will miss taking Jerry to mutual very much. Thursday's were our evenings to just joke with each other and remind each other how much we loved one another. Jerry always asked about each one of my kids, he never forgot any one of them. He always said to tell them hi and that he loved them. I pray he is at peace finally, I am so grateful that he is no longer in pain. God bless you Jerry in your eternal path, I will always love you.

The twins flew out that next Saturday. On Sunday I went out to my daughter Melanie's to play Pinochle. That was the night of the Herriman fire. It turned into a crazy night, as did the next several. I am so grateful that only a few homes were lost. Four of our kids homes were in the line of fire, but none were lost! We thought for sure Laurie's would be gone, but it made it and we know that it was truly a miracle!

I pray a special blessing on those men & women who worked endlessly to stop this fire from burning more homes. They are truly heroes!

As you can see, this has been an incredibly emotional month in very many ways. I am very thankful to almost be at the end of it. Hopefully October and the rest of the year will flow much smoother.

I pray the Lord will bless each and every one of you!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kidney Problems!

I had another client with kidney problems the other day and realized that that is another recipe that Uncle Stanley gave me years ago and I need to share it. He always taught that cranberries were the best thing for kidney problems of any kind. He would take:
14 - 16 oz. of fresh cranberries
1 very ripe banana
1/4 - 1/2 ripe fresh pineapple

Blend all three of these with enough water to make a gallon. You can add honey to taste, to make it more palatable. Drink this over a several day period and voila, you're kidneys start to feel better almost immediately! His home recipes have always amazed me at how they work! Again make sure that you still drink your water, your kidneys will flush like crazy. This combination is great for urinary tract infections also. Of course, stay away from sugar, infection of any kind feeds off of it.

God bless!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Corn Silk Tea & Bladder Infections

I have had several of my daughters and many clients ask me what I would do for bladder infections. Uncle Stanley taught me to use the silk off of corn on the cob. You just make a tea with it and drink about one to two quarts a day for a few days. Although, usually one day will do it. You don't want to use the dark brown silk on the end of the corn, always use the nice silk wrapped around the cob of corn. He said to put 3 Tab. of silk per quart. You bring your water to a boil and then take it off the heat. Put your corn silk in and let it steep for about 20 minutes. You can add Peppermint to it to give it a nice flavor. Peppermint is known to aid digestion and to calm nerves. The corn silk is known to also help alleviate water retention. He even had me use it on my kids that were bed wetters. I could give them a cup of tea before bed and they would not pee the bed! It was amazing. Almost everyone says this sounds too simple and it truly is, but it really really works. I also used it when I was retaining a ton of water with one of my pregnancies. I drank a gallon during the afternoon and evening on a Sunday. I was in the bathroom peeing all night long, but in the morning I wasn't swollen at all and I never did balloon back up to where I had been before! I pray this will help someone out there that hasn't been able to find an answer, God Bless!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am blown away at how much time has gone by so quickly this week!!! I was going to write at least every other day and then life just kept happening faster than I could run. I had the privilege of helping one of our girls with her birth this last week. She just needed extra moral support and I was one of the blessed ones who got to be there. Once again I am reminded how delicate life is and how blessed we are to have these children borne to us. She ended up needing a c - section and will be in the hospital until next Tuesday or Wednesday. The baby swallowed some of the merconium in the amniotic fluid, she ended up with an infection through her system. We had hundreds of people praying for her and her mom. She is responding well to the treatment of antibiotics that she is receiving and appears to be doing very well. I realized watching this come down the way it did, how very blessed I have been and how grateful I am for each one of my children. I am grateful that so many people, so very quickly responded in prayer for this little family. I can't say Thank You enough!!! God Bless each of you who know the truth about prayer and that God is the master physician, we are all truly in His hands. God Bless.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last week I was so excited because I had accomplished so much! I worked on 6 people on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday, did about 7 batches of wash on Friday, worked on 3 people on Saturday evening and I still felt pretty good. I was pretty tired every day by the end of the day but for the most part I was doing great! Then when I awoke on Sunday, I was in so much pain I wanted to cry. My head was pounding and my whole body ached. After a few hours I was ready to just quit life. It was so discouraging to wake up like that. I realized that the day before I probably hadn't drank enough water and I was just pushing too hard. I got focused on Sunday, after a good cry, and kept my water up to snuff. I went to bed at a decent time and got a good nights sleep. The next day I awoke feeling a ton better! I just needed a day to rest and get caught back up on my water. Even today was a good day! It just goes to show that every once in a while you will have a bad day, but you just need to give yourself a break, relax, drink your water and stay positive so your body can continue to heal. Again, I went to bed early last night and woke up feeling refreshed. I have done a lot of laundry again and gotten a lot done around the house, so I am hoping that tomorrow will be a good day. I may need to slow down again but that is OK. I may be slow but I am still plugging along, I will win this battle!

God Bless all of you who may be struggling to not give up! Tomorrow may be a better day!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Consistency to healing with natural ways is extremely important!

Sometimes when you are really sick, you need to do what we call front loading. I know that to get quick results I must take herbal remedies every 20 - 30 minutes for 3 - 5 hours. Sometimes when I have been really sick I have even taken a product every 10 - 15 min. When my low blood sugar was giving me a bad time for the first two weeks I had to take my T-HYPO every 10 - 15 min to stay balanced. After those first two weeks I was able to cut down to every to 2 - 3 hours and then just 3 -5 times a day after that. I lived on that stuff for about 2 years. It has been 26 years since I have needed it. I feel like I need it again and I am starting to take it once more. I know though that the better I eat and make sure that I drink my water, then I won't need it as much. One of the best books I have ever read for different needs for the body is "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by the Balsch's. Mr. Balsch is an MD and his wife is a licensed Nutritionist, together they are quite a team. You can't go wrong referring to this book for your health needs. They cover many of the natural ways to heal and also much of the medicinal healing. They even give you specific doses for each product that you may need to use. I highly recommend that any who do not have this book, invest in it. It will be worth every penny you spend, I promise!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Emotional Healing

As I have worked with emotional healing over the past 20 years, I have been amazed at how much emotions can and will affect your body. As I have emotionally healed, many of the physical pains that I have experienced have literally left my body. There are many things that you can do for your emotional healing. There is a book called "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die", by Karol Kuhn. This is one of the best books that I have ever used for emotional healing. She gives scientific evidence proving that you can literally heal your DNA through proper emotional work. Scientists can prove that positive thoughts can and will change your DNA for the positive while negative thoughts can and will change your DNA for the negative. Her illustrations in this book are amazing. She has a script that she wrote that will help you to change the negative in your life to positive and thus bring about healing. She lists many negatives that we may be experiencing or may have experienced in our lives and then lists many positives to replace those negatives. I pooh poohed this way to heal until I tried it and had very incredible results. This truly works! You can pick this book up at Shirlyn' Natural Foods, Barnes & Noble or just about any health food store. If you are truly committed to your healing, this is one of the best places to start. Happy reading and healing, God Bless!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Necessity of Spiritual Food.

This morning I visited The Adventure Church with my family. Every time I have gone there, I have been touched by the spirit. I want these people to know how much I love and appreciate them, for the efforts that they put in to be there every Sunday. I love Eric & Jodi very much for the example they set and the love that they extend to all. Ira, Cynthia, Doug & Kuula (sorry about the spelling) are incredible too. I truly love all of you and pray the Lord will continue to bless you in your efforts to assist in bringing people to Christ. I know from past experience that you need spiritual food as well as temporal food to survive. The spiritual food to me is far more important in your healing process. God truly knows each of us and what our needs are, if we would just listen to what He has to say to us. For those of you who are looking for a safe place to worship, which we all need occasionally, this is a place for that. These people are truly dedicated to the Lord and will welcome all with open arms. Again God Bless you and thank you with all of my heart!

It is a proven fact that those who are prayed for, have a 27% better chance of getting better than those who are not! Some insurance company's will even pay people to pray for their clients because of these statistics.

Friday, July 30, 2010

One of the main reasons I was able to deal with the Carbon Monoxide, I believe, was because I was on Dr. Joel Wallach's products from Youngevity. I started taking his products six years ago because of one of my clients. I had worked with her before but couldn't get her past a certain point in her health. She came to see me when she heard that I had had a nervous breakdown. She felt very confident that these products were the best and that they would help me turn around. When I saw how well she was doing, I was quite taken aback. The last time I had seen her she was very sick still and struggling. Now she was the picture of health. She started me on a basic program and within a few months I definitely noticed a difference. I liked these products because Dr Wallach had made them very bio-available to the body, so people who were extremely sick, didn't have to break down any tablets or capsules to absorb anything. These liquids were tasty and easy to swallow. I know I truly needed something that wasn't hard for my body to work with, but, it would give me the optimum benefit.

I was on these products for 2 1/2 years before I decided to become a distributor. I have loved working with this company and all of the people involved with them. There are many good tablets and capsule forms of vitamins out on the market. I just know, that for me, these products were the best at the time. After I had been on them for about 5 months, I quit taking them because I felt so much better. That was a big mistake! Within a few days I felt a little worse and by two weeks I was miserable again. I immediately got back on the program and after being on them for 2 1/2 years I incorporated his Gluco-gel product for the joints. I am amazed at how much it helped my knees and others joints in my body. For about 1 1/2 years I continued to get better and could actually walk up and down the stairs normal. Then gradually the pain started to return to my knees, my head started to hurt and my body started to ache. Once again, I found myself searching for answers. Why had these products helped so much and now nothing seemed to help again. I had been told that people who have had Carbon Monoxide poisoning could eventually get MS or a few other diseases down the road. I started researching MS, I was sure that that was the problem.

I continued taking my products because when I didn't I felt even worse, so I knew they were helping but I was still continuing down hill. My right knee was so swollen that my pants were tight around it. I finally went in and had it x-rayed, I was sure something was cracked the pain was so intense sometimes. There appeared to be no problems with the bones and no arthritis. Using Dr. Wallachs CM Cream mixed with Chinese White Flower really helped the pain and swelling in the knee. Every day I was on my legs much, the right knee especiallly would swell up horribly by evening. I felt like I was in a fog most of the time. My name file was gone, I would recognize people but couldn't pull up their names. I also had an inflamed tooth that was dumping toxins into my body. I assumed that it probably played a huge roll in how I was feeling. That was where I started, once that tooth was gone there was a definite difference in how I felt in my head but my knees were still a problem.

This is about the time the gas leak occurred last November and we finally found that we had the second leak. For some reason God still wants me here and so again, this is one of the reasons for this blog. I am praying that someone out there searching for answers may find some here. I am once again excited about the direction I am going. My right knee is pretty normal once again, it is weak still, but there is a huge difference in how it feels. With exercise and treatments, I am sure I will be able to walk up and down the stairs normal again soon. We have two carbon monoxide alarms in our home now, you can get them from the fire department. The one we had in our home after the first leak, had worn out and no longer functioned properly.

Heavenly Father has truly blessed my family and myself. I will be forever grateful that He brought me to this point and that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel once again. I pray that those of you who may be struggling, will not give up. There really are answers out there. I pray God will bless each of you in your journeys!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just because you are not dead, doesn't mean you don't have a Carbon Monoxide leak!

When I had my little girl 10 years ago, I was extremely sick the whole time I was pregnant. I already had 10 children and had never been this sick. We attributed it to my being 45. I had actually felt very good before getting pregnant so I was stumped that it hit me so hard. I would lay on my bed, in the evening after work, and wish that someone would shoot me. I just knew that after I had her, everything would go back to normal. It usually takes me 2 - 3 weeks to get my feet back on the ground, but this time it was months and months and I still felt worse and worse. I was in so much pain physically that I could hardly function. I forced myself to work because we needed the income. Most of the time I had to drag my right leg, because I couldn't pick it up. My spine twisted into scoliosis and I lost about 4" in my height. More days than not, I wanted to die because I hurt so bad and it was 24/7. I did some cleanses and enemas daily, it would give me a few hours of partial relief but it never lasted. I would just be standing still and my body would go into a spasm to where I could hardly breathe. One of our employees was standing by me one time when it happened and was shocked to see all of the color drain out of my face and I could hardly breathe. When Ariana was about 20 months old, my sewer backed up. I had 4" of sewer in my bathtub, shower and laundry room downstairs. I, of course, lost it! I started to cry and my husband had me call a plumber to come in and make any repairs that had to be made.

When the plumber got here, I showed him where the water heater was because that is where one of our constant leaks had been. He shined his flashlight into the area and then swung around, saying, "Oh my God, you should all be dead!" His face was ashen. He asked me how long this area had been this way. I had no idea what he was talking about. He then showed me how the piping on top of the water heater was knocked away and all of the Carbon Monoxide was coming into the house. He told me that I had to take all of my kids and get out now! I told him that if we weren't dead yet, obviously we weren't dieing anytime soon. I told him I was too sick to pack up that many kids and leave. I said turn everything off, I don't care anymore. He then jimmied the piping with cardboard and duct tape so that the emissions were going out. He came the next day and did the initial repair work. Whoever had replaced our water heater about 4 years before, should have brought the piping up to code but they had not.

I am sure that we are still here because of an old leaky house. At that time I had air pouring in the cracks of the front door and the basement door, also from the fireplace in the next room. With such a large family, the doors were always being opened, I am sure that is what saved our lives. A normal amount of Carbon Monoxide coming in is about 25 - 50 ppm. (parts per million)
We weren't getting enough on a regular basis to kill us just enough to make us wish we were dead. All of my children had been sick and struggling but everyone attributed it to my being down and they were just feeling for me. About three months later, an article in the Deseret News came out about a couple who had been being poisoned by their water heater! They were both trying out for the Olympics at BYU but had to drop out because of constant flu like symptoms that continued to get worse. The womans parents finally came to stay with them to help them. The first night they were there, the next morning both parents had a major headache. The mom knew something had to be wrong with the apartment. Their water heater was emitting 500 x's more carbon monoxide than it was supposed to. So, enough was in their home to make them sick but not kill them. I took the article about this couple to my daughters school to talk with the principal that following September. She was in 9th grade that year. The principal said she was a completely different person this year than she had been in 7th and 8th grades. He said that every time he had seen her before, he felt like telling her to lie down because she looked dead all of the time. This new year he was shocked to see what a different person she was. He said, "She looks alive for the first time she has come here!"

I noticed a difference in my head within 6 weeks but it took years before the pain really even began to leave my body. I have never regained all of my height back, I regained about 2 1/2" but that varies depending on how tired I am. Much of the time I cannot stand up straight anymore.

Our second leak was discovered this last November. We had a gas leak that I thought I could smell for a couple of days but I wasn't really sure. Then my daughter stopped by, walked in the house and said, "You have to get out of here now, you have a gas leak!" We called Questar and they came over within the hour to check it out. Sure enough the furnace was leaking gas, but the gentleman was more concerned with the 4,000 ppm carbon monoxide that was coming into the house from the base of the water heater. Once again, I heard the words, "Oh my God, you should all be dead!"

I knew I was sick and getting sicker but I attributed it to the first Carbon Monoxide leak. I had been told that one of the things that happen to people who have had these leaks was eventually they would get MS. So I had been researching this for a while. My knees hurt terribly, especially my right one, which was so swollen most of the time that my pants were tight on it. I couldn't walk normally up and down the stairs, my joints hurt all the time. I felt like crying all the time. Once again my head hurt all the time, I had a hard time keeping my thoughts together. My one daughter was continually monitoring me because she was so concerned. She was the one who made me call Questar.

Now eight months after this, I realize once again how extremely sick I was. When you are in the thick of life, sometimes it takes someone else to point out that things just aren't right and that there needs to be some change. We now have a new furnace and water heater in this house. We
have been trying to sell our home so we weren't going to fix anything, just sell it as is. Do not make the same mistake we made, make sure that you have your furnace and water heater checked out yearly! They always remind you about the furnace but I am here to tell you that the water heater is just as important!

I am retelling these stories in hopes that if there is someone out there who can't seem to get better, it may be your home. You may have a leak, or leaks, like we did and not have enough to kill you, just make you deathly sick. Black mold could be your culprit. This couple had been being monitored by their doctors the whole time and no one knew the answer until her parents came to stay! Doctors are not looking for this type of problem, I think because usually the people die or it is very obvious that there is a leak. Please, please, please, if you can't get seem to get better and you are sick all the time, please have your home checked.

I pray each of you who read this will have much Health, Peace and Happiness. If you know anyone that you might suspect has a similar situation, please help them. They are probably having a hard time thinking for themselves and just plain can't figure out why. God Bless.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

YEAH! I think I am on my way with this! I have worked with several clients today and once again I am reminded how important our water intake is. We desperately need to keep hydrated at all times. The common rule is to drink 1 quart of water for every 50 lbs we carry. Very few of us even come close to this amount of water. When I am consistent with my water, my energy level remains high and I just generally feel better all over. I am amazed at how many of us do not even come close to drinking what we need. Women who are pregnant need to drink consistently because the water around the baby changes every 3 hours, you will become toxic if you aren't drinking enough and so will the baby. Spread your water throughout the day, DO NOT try to drink it all at once, that will not work, it will just make you sick. While you are building up to the amount of water you should be drinking, you will be fast friends with the bathroom! That will last for about 2 - 3 weeks, after that you can still drink a lot and only go every few hours. Again you will be amazed at your energy level and just your general wellness. It is amazing what water can do.

Monday, July 26, 2010

This is my very first post! I am excited to be able to write down many of my thoughts on the things that I have done for myself and my family. Having 13 children has opened up the opportunity to learn much about taking care of many different kinds of illness. I pray that I can pass on to others many of the things we have learned as a family. I am going to keep this simple today, love to all.