Tuesday, July 27, 2010

YEAH! I think I am on my way with this! I have worked with several clients today and once again I am reminded how important our water intake is. We desperately need to keep hydrated at all times. The common rule is to drink 1 quart of water for every 50 lbs we carry. Very few of us even come close to this amount of water. When I am consistent with my water, my energy level remains high and I just generally feel better all over. I am amazed at how many of us do not even come close to drinking what we need. Women who are pregnant need to drink consistently because the water around the baby changes every 3 hours, you will become toxic if you aren't drinking enough and so will the baby. Spread your water throughout the day, DO NOT try to drink it all at once, that will not work, it will just make you sick. While you are building up to the amount of water you should be drinking, you will be fast friends with the bathroom! That will last for about 2 - 3 weeks, after that you can still drink a lot and only go every few hours. Again you will be amazed at your energy level and just your general wellness. It is amazing what water can do.


  1. I would like to add a little bit of my story about water intake. While I was pregnant with my son in 2005-2006 I started drinking close to a gallon a day of water. I felt amazing for being pregnant. I stayed active all through the pregnancy and only gained 45 lbs. Water had a huge part to play in the energy I had. After my son was born in May of 2006 I continued drinking plenty of water. Seven months later and still continuing heavy water drinking I dropped passed my pre-pregnancy weight and lost an additional 25 lbs. Which put me down to 160 lbs at 6'3''. I felt great all the time. I highly recommend drinking plenty of water all day long. Not only does it keep you hydrated but it is also very good for energy.

  2. Thanks for the great reminder Shirlyn! I have been having a terrible year; health wise anyway. I better get back at the water, and see if it helps.
