Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Today has been a very good day! YEAH! Yesterday was a decent day also. I had a very mild headache this morning and some pressure throughout the day. Yesterday I had a little deeper headache that lasted most of the day. Before that every day was rough! I started taking the GXL again last Thursday and it has taken until yesterday to help me start feeling well again. I really feel that the chemicals in the creosote log did me in and going without the GXL for those two weeks set me back quite a bit. I am feeling once again that I am healing all over. It is amazing to have this sensation going on throughout my whole body. Again, I am convinced that this has been one of the missing links for my complete healing. I will be forever grateful to have someone introduce me to this product.

As always I pray that each of you will find the answers you are looking for. God bless.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Yesterday, I awoke with a mild headache that stayed with me most of the day. It wasn't pounding so it was bearable. I felt pretty OK besides that. But today was very different. Today at 5:10 a.m. I awoke with a pounding head & neck aches. I lay their for another 10 minutes and couldn't take it any longer. I came in to work on my computer and realized I couldn't see 50% of the screen. I knew I was in trouble, so I went in and took two 500mg of Extra strength Tylenol. If I take it early enough the headache will be much more mild. Within about an hour I could see again and the head & neck were bearable. I am going to get some more Max/GXL tomorrow. I get very clearly (which I already knew) that I still have some major healing to do. It's exciting to know that there is a natural product out there that will assist me in my healing process, without all of the side affects that come with drugs.

I have noticed my whole body is feeling deprived. My knees hurt worse today, my stomach has been struggling, my back has been aching all day, I just have felt yucky all day. Whereas, I was really starting to feel great the two weeks I was on the GXL. So, I will start taking it again tomorrow, YEAH!!! If anyone has questions about this or would like more information, please contact me on facebook. I pray that all of you will find the answers that you need for your wellness. God bless.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Thursday was the last day that I have taken the product. (I ran out.) I decided to experiment over the next few days to see how my head and body would do. On Friday I awoke again with NO HEADACHE! I am so amazed! I had a pretty good day all day on Friday. When I awoke on Saturday, I had a little pressure and as the day progressed I went into a head & neck ache for a few hours. I went to bed with a headache, not pounding, but hurting. On Sunday I awoke with more pressure but NOT a pounding headache. I truly am having a hard time believing how this has worked for me. Sunday was a pretty good day. I feel like my head is filling up with pressure again and my neck. But I am still not back to the pounding that I dreaded every day!

Today is Monday and again, no pounding head & neck ache! I have more pressure again. I can tell it is building up slowly but at least I am doing quite well. I will be picking up more product this Wednesday. I have Dave on it and he is looking better & better every day also. WOW! I know I can beat all that has been going on in my body if I will stay consistent with this product. I have truly been blessed!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I am so excited! I am sitting here once again without a headache and no neck pain! It is been years since I haven't awakened without a headache. I have just learned to live with them over time. Now I can once again feel an all over wellness occurring in my body. I AM GETTING BETTER! This Max GXL product has turned my life around and I can't thank my friend Sherrie enough for calling me and letting me know about this product! I know I still have much to do in my complete healing process, but I am definitely headed in the right direction with this. Thank you Sherrie, with all my heart Thank you!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thursday was not a fun day, but the headache was definitely caused by the Sprite. I have never been able to handle soda much and when I am already not feeling well, then that is accentuated. I took my MAX GXL that night before I went to bed. On Friday, I awoke feeling great. It has been so amazing to wake up without a pounding head and neck! I worked on two people in the morning, spent the day with my Granddaughter, Canyon, whose birthday it was. We took Grandpa and went to lunch, then we went and had the girls get their nails painted. They had a blast. I tried to burn a Creosote log in my fireplace in hopes that I could start having fires this winter. Even though it seemed to vent up, the smoke would come back into the room eventually and I kept inhaling it. The room was horrible, it smelled of smoke like crazy, so we opened all of the windows to blow it out. The log kept burning and again seemed to vent out the chimney but next thing I knew it was coming into the room again. The fire alarm kept going off, it was crazy. I worked with my friend Pamela from her fall on Thursday again. We had to just keep opening the windows and eventually went and got fans to blow it out. We scooped the log up with a snow shovel and threw it outside, but by then the damage was done. I know I had inhaled way too much smoke. I had given Pamela the sample package of the MAX I to take and she felt it was helping her.

The next morning, I awoke with a pounding head and neck. I took the GXL in hopes that it would help but my head continued to get worse. By about 10:00 a.m. it was really pounding, so I took four pain pills then for the next few hours I prayed I wouldn't throw up. I hadn't even realized that it was a couple of hours after I took the pills before the pain even began to subside. I was sobbing by this time, my head hurt so bad, I can see why people take their lives when the pain is that acute. I don't know how I lived with these headaches all those years before, other than that I was young and could deal with the pain better. I remember I use to pride myself for my pain level, but it is gone. I can't take that kind of pain anymore. It wasn't until about 1:30 p.m. that I was able to handle the pain. It had finally come down to the point that I could deal with it. My Mindy came over and fixed something to eat for me. She cooked a ton of onions and a few potatoes together, it tasted delicious. I took my GXL again later that evening and went to bed.

Sunday when I awoke, amazingly I felt pretty good. I was shocked, I thought there would be a fairly awful aftermath of the headache, but there wasn't. I had a good Sunday, I was drained from the day before but I really felt quite good. The pain in my head was very minimal.

Monday started as a very good day. Once again, the pain was very minimal, very light compared to what it had been before I started the GXL. I went to a seminar that day on this product and learned quite a bit about why it works. This product helps your body to produce the Glutathione that it needs to truly heal. It heals every cell in a way that nothing else can. It is the key component in the wellness of your cells. It truly has been my missing link. I know that everything I am taking will work a hundred times better now with this product. After I ate lunch at this seminar, my head started to act up some and I had the headache and neck ache for awhile after eating. They had given us samples to take, I had already taken one dose of GXL before I left home and then I took another at about 10:30 a.m. at the seminar. I took another dose after lunch and then again before I went to bed. I was pretty tired by the time I got home, but I was very excited to know I had found an extremely important element in my healing.

Tuesday when I got up, I had no headache just very mild pressure. I met with my friend who introduced me to GXL and signed with their company to be a rep. Never did I think I would find a product that would work for me like this one has. My friend Pamela signed up also, she couldn't hardly believe how quickly she recovered from her fall and knows it was because of the product that I had given her. We are both super excited about this. Today as I type this, I again am blown away at how I feel. My head has some pressure but I think it is more from being tired than anything else. I do not have that God awful pounding in my head and neck that I have lived with for the past few years. I thank God that He helped me find this answer. I know I am truly on a path to healing now that is going to go and flow much quicker because of this product. (I am only up typing this at this hour because my Robert decided that I shouldn't sleep! He needed a shower and insisted he was hungry. He is quite the character! For those of you who don't know my Robert, he has down syndrome. Even though he is 16, he is only on about a 5 year old level. He really doesn't complain about much, so when he woke me up at 3:15 a.m. I knew he must be uncomfortable. So here I am, finally catching up!)

I feel a wellness in my body that I haven't felt in a very very long time! I truly hope to bless many others with this knowledge. I will continue to take this and post my results. We all deserve to feel well and I am sure this is one of the answers, if not the main answer for most of us. God bless.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Yesterday wasn't too bad of a day. I stupidly drank a 20 oz. glass of Sprite in the afternoon. I could feel it immediately going to my head but I drank it anyway. This morning I awoke with the pounding head and neck pain. There is no doubt in my mind that it was the Sprite! My head has hurt all day and is just barely starting to ease up some. (It is now 5:50 p.m.) I am about to take my second dose of the Glutathione combination. There is a seminar on Monday that I am going to go to to learn more about this product and why it is patented. I am sure that I will not have a headache in the morning because I have been very good about my diet today. It is amazing how what we eat can take us down so quickly!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I can't believe it is Wednesday already! This morning I have a headache but not a pounding headache, it is more pressure. I can touch my neck and the base of my skull without going through the roof! Definitely something positive is happening. I don't think I took my afternoon dose of the Glutathione yesterday. So it is encouraging to still feel pretty good this morning having missed that.

Yesterday, I felt pretty good when I awoke but ending up in a raging headache for a short while later in the day. There is always pressure on my head but it is not pounding!

Monday it was the same thing. lot's of pressure but not a pounding headache until later in the day. I am quite amazed that this has worked from day 1. I will be grateful when the head truly is clear and stays clear. Again, I know my diet isn't the best right now. But we are getting there. I believe you have to take one day at a time.

Sunday was a pretty fair day. I did end up in a raging headache in the afternoon but still had a good day. I love Migraine Excedrin. I hate taking drugs but sometimes we need to function. I am very grateful that I only need it occasionally. There is always a blessing to count if you look for it.