Thursday, January 13, 2011

Panic Attacks & Headaches!

I am doing amazingly well. I have had a headache almost every other day since my last post, but their intensity is getting less & less. I am amazed at the all over wellness that I am still feeling on this GXL product, it is incredible. The most exciting news that I have today though, is my husband Dave's experience.

Anyone who is having PANIC ATTACKS read this carefully. Dave was on the MAX I for 2 1/2 weeks when he woke up without a panic attack. The next morning was the same and the next and the next. It has been 18 days since he has awakened with a panic attack! Did you hear me?! 18 days! It has been 10+ years since he has gone1 or 2 days without a panic attack! We are all in amazement right now. He is happier and feeling an all over wellness that he hasn't experienced in many a day. We are super excited to have finally found an answer that doesn't have the side effects that drugs do. I believe that there is an answer for everything, if we are willing to keep looking for it. I truly believe these products are an answer to prayer and the missing element for a lot of our healing.

God bless each of you that are searching for answers, I pray that you will find them. If you are interested in knowing more about these products that have helped us so much, call me at 801-347-0330. Love to all.