Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last week I was so excited because I had accomplished so much! I worked on 6 people on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday, did about 7 batches of wash on Friday, worked on 3 people on Saturday evening and I still felt pretty good. I was pretty tired every day by the end of the day but for the most part I was doing great! Then when I awoke on Sunday, I was in so much pain I wanted to cry. My head was pounding and my whole body ached. After a few hours I was ready to just quit life. It was so discouraging to wake up like that. I realized that the day before I probably hadn't drank enough water and I was just pushing too hard. I got focused on Sunday, after a good cry, and kept my water up to snuff. I went to bed at a decent time and got a good nights sleep. The next day I awoke feeling a ton better! I just needed a day to rest and get caught back up on my water. Even today was a good day! It just goes to show that every once in a while you will have a bad day, but you just need to give yourself a break, relax, drink your water and stay positive so your body can continue to heal. Again, I went to bed early last night and woke up feeling refreshed. I have done a lot of laundry again and gotten a lot done around the house, so I am hoping that tomorrow will be a good day. I may need to slow down again but that is OK. I may be slow but I am still plugging along, I will win this battle!

God Bless all of you who may be struggling to not give up! Tomorrow may be a better day!

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