Friday, October 29, 2010

I Need Some Answers!

The last couple of months have been very interesting. In about mid August I had a melt down about Uncle Stanley not being here. Whenever I have had problems he was the one who always helped me. He always had an answer and if he didn't he found one! I asked several people to help me if I trained them on how to do what Uncle Stanley did. Needless to say they were all all willing but it was impossible to connect. As we all know though, everything opens up when the timing is right. What prompted this need for help was something burst inside of me one day when I was doing some enemas and I filled the toilet with blood. I passed a bunch of tissue and a lot of clots. This was from my colon. It relieved a knot from my left side that had been bothering me for quite a while. The knot almost disappeared when this occurred. I have known for quite a while that I needed extra help, the kind of help that only Uncle Stanley had ever given me, but there is no one out there that does what he does.

Shortly after asking for help, on September 4th, my older brother Jerry passed away. I still can't even think of that time without crying. I know though that he is in a better place and I am so grateful for that. I am rather envious though, sometimes I get so tired of the pain on a daily basis, I can't help but wish it had been me and not him. I pray that wherever he is that he is happy and finally enjoying the ability to see, and to run freely with no restrictions. I love you Jerry.

The twins, Janene and Janeal, flew in from Texas, of course, and were here for two weeks! That was awesome! We all had the opportunity to spend some much needed time together as brothers & sisters. I have truly been blessed.

The day after the twins flew home, we had a fire in Herriman which affected many of my children, especially my daughter Laurie. The fire chief told her that there was no way she would come home to a house after this was over, her home would burn! It was a long night. Her home did not burn, what a blessing!

Also just before Jerry passed, my daughter Amber decided to alienate herself from the family and did not come to our family reunion, Labor Day weekend. I thought for sure she would call when she heard about Jerry, but she did not. I prayed hard that she and Parker would be OK. With everything she had said about her new husband, I honestly wasn't sure, that he would treat either one of them well. But especially Parker. At 4 years old, he needs someone to stand up for him.

Life doesn't stop for anyone. You can never say, "Hey, I need a break!", it just doesn't happen that way. I am continually having to say the "Serenity Prayer"...'God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.'. This prayer has helped me on many occasions. There are several other family members at odds with each other and I continually pray that they will find some peace and work through these issues, so that we can be a family once again.

Sometimes I wonder why I had 11 children, the stress of watching them go through life can be very challenging. With Julie & Michael thrown in there, it also adds a little more to worry about. I continually pray that Michael will return from Afghanistan safely and that he will not return there again. His family needs him. So with my 13 kids there isn't a whole lot of down time.

A week ago, one of our sons in law, Moss, worked on me for the first time. He definitely has a talent for this work. (And the strength!) Before he was done, I could tell I was bleeding, and by the time I got home, I was into a full blown period! The last period I had had a few weeks before had been one day and did not feel complete. I bled very heavy all that night and the next day or two, passing a ton of clots that first night. What a difference that treatment made! I felt so good a couple of days later, I could not believe the difference! Then stupidly, I worked on 5 adults and 3 kids. I was pretty tired by the time I was done and the next morning ended up having a good cry and pity party for myself. That's when I also began to research Carbon Monoxide poisoning on a deeper level. I need some answers!

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