Friday, July 30, 2010

One of the main reasons I was able to deal with the Carbon Monoxide, I believe, was because I was on Dr. Joel Wallach's products from Youngevity. I started taking his products six years ago because of one of my clients. I had worked with her before but couldn't get her past a certain point in her health. She came to see me when she heard that I had had a nervous breakdown. She felt very confident that these products were the best and that they would help me turn around. When I saw how well she was doing, I was quite taken aback. The last time I had seen her she was very sick still and struggling. Now she was the picture of health. She started me on a basic program and within a few months I definitely noticed a difference. I liked these products because Dr Wallach had made them very bio-available to the body, so people who were extremely sick, didn't have to break down any tablets or capsules to absorb anything. These liquids were tasty and easy to swallow. I know I truly needed something that wasn't hard for my body to work with, but, it would give me the optimum benefit.

I was on these products for 2 1/2 years before I decided to become a distributor. I have loved working with this company and all of the people involved with them. There are many good tablets and capsule forms of vitamins out on the market. I just know, that for me, these products were the best at the time. After I had been on them for about 5 months, I quit taking them because I felt so much better. That was a big mistake! Within a few days I felt a little worse and by two weeks I was miserable again. I immediately got back on the program and after being on them for 2 1/2 years I incorporated his Gluco-gel product for the joints. I am amazed at how much it helped my knees and others joints in my body. For about 1 1/2 years I continued to get better and could actually walk up and down the stairs normal. Then gradually the pain started to return to my knees, my head started to hurt and my body started to ache. Once again, I found myself searching for answers. Why had these products helped so much and now nothing seemed to help again. I had been told that people who have had Carbon Monoxide poisoning could eventually get MS or a few other diseases down the road. I started researching MS, I was sure that that was the problem.

I continued taking my products because when I didn't I felt even worse, so I knew they were helping but I was still continuing down hill. My right knee was so swollen that my pants were tight around it. I finally went in and had it x-rayed, I was sure something was cracked the pain was so intense sometimes. There appeared to be no problems with the bones and no arthritis. Using Dr. Wallachs CM Cream mixed with Chinese White Flower really helped the pain and swelling in the knee. Every day I was on my legs much, the right knee especiallly would swell up horribly by evening. I felt like I was in a fog most of the time. My name file was gone, I would recognize people but couldn't pull up their names. I also had an inflamed tooth that was dumping toxins into my body. I assumed that it probably played a huge roll in how I was feeling. That was where I started, once that tooth was gone there was a definite difference in how I felt in my head but my knees were still a problem.

This is about the time the gas leak occurred last November and we finally found that we had the second leak. For some reason God still wants me here and so again, this is one of the reasons for this blog. I am praying that someone out there searching for answers may find some here. I am once again excited about the direction I am going. My right knee is pretty normal once again, it is weak still, but there is a huge difference in how it feels. With exercise and treatments, I am sure I will be able to walk up and down the stairs normal again soon. We have two carbon monoxide alarms in our home now, you can get them from the fire department. The one we had in our home after the first leak, had worn out and no longer functioned properly.

Heavenly Father has truly blessed my family and myself. I will be forever grateful that He brought me to this point and that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel once again. I pray that those of you who may be struggling, will not give up. There really are answers out there. I pray God will bless each of you in your journeys!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Just because you are not dead, doesn't mean you don't have a Carbon Monoxide leak!

When I had my little girl 10 years ago, I was extremely sick the whole time I was pregnant. I already had 10 children and had never been this sick. We attributed it to my being 45. I had actually felt very good before getting pregnant so I was stumped that it hit me so hard. I would lay on my bed, in the evening after work, and wish that someone would shoot me. I just knew that after I had her, everything would go back to normal. It usually takes me 2 - 3 weeks to get my feet back on the ground, but this time it was months and months and I still felt worse and worse. I was in so much pain physically that I could hardly function. I forced myself to work because we needed the income. Most of the time I had to drag my right leg, because I couldn't pick it up. My spine twisted into scoliosis and I lost about 4" in my height. More days than not, I wanted to die because I hurt so bad and it was 24/7. I did some cleanses and enemas daily, it would give me a few hours of partial relief but it never lasted. I would just be standing still and my body would go into a spasm to where I could hardly breathe. One of our employees was standing by me one time when it happened and was shocked to see all of the color drain out of my face and I could hardly breathe. When Ariana was about 20 months old, my sewer backed up. I had 4" of sewer in my bathtub, shower and laundry room downstairs. I, of course, lost it! I started to cry and my husband had me call a plumber to come in and make any repairs that had to be made.

When the plumber got here, I showed him where the water heater was because that is where one of our constant leaks had been. He shined his flashlight into the area and then swung around, saying, "Oh my God, you should all be dead!" His face was ashen. He asked me how long this area had been this way. I had no idea what he was talking about. He then showed me how the piping on top of the water heater was knocked away and all of the Carbon Monoxide was coming into the house. He told me that I had to take all of my kids and get out now! I told him that if we weren't dead yet, obviously we weren't dieing anytime soon. I told him I was too sick to pack up that many kids and leave. I said turn everything off, I don't care anymore. He then jimmied the piping with cardboard and duct tape so that the emissions were going out. He came the next day and did the initial repair work. Whoever had replaced our water heater about 4 years before, should have brought the piping up to code but they had not.

I am sure that we are still here because of an old leaky house. At that time I had air pouring in the cracks of the front door and the basement door, also from the fireplace in the next room. With such a large family, the doors were always being opened, I am sure that is what saved our lives. A normal amount of Carbon Monoxide coming in is about 25 - 50 ppm. (parts per million)
We weren't getting enough on a regular basis to kill us just enough to make us wish we were dead. All of my children had been sick and struggling but everyone attributed it to my being down and they were just feeling for me. About three months later, an article in the Deseret News came out about a couple who had been being poisoned by their water heater! They were both trying out for the Olympics at BYU but had to drop out because of constant flu like symptoms that continued to get worse. The womans parents finally came to stay with them to help them. The first night they were there, the next morning both parents had a major headache. The mom knew something had to be wrong with the apartment. Their water heater was emitting 500 x's more carbon monoxide than it was supposed to. So, enough was in their home to make them sick but not kill them. I took the article about this couple to my daughters school to talk with the principal that following September. She was in 9th grade that year. The principal said she was a completely different person this year than she had been in 7th and 8th grades. He said that every time he had seen her before, he felt like telling her to lie down because she looked dead all of the time. This new year he was shocked to see what a different person she was. He said, "She looks alive for the first time she has come here!"

I noticed a difference in my head within 6 weeks but it took years before the pain really even began to leave my body. I have never regained all of my height back, I regained about 2 1/2" but that varies depending on how tired I am. Much of the time I cannot stand up straight anymore.

Our second leak was discovered this last November. We had a gas leak that I thought I could smell for a couple of days but I wasn't really sure. Then my daughter stopped by, walked in the house and said, "You have to get out of here now, you have a gas leak!" We called Questar and they came over within the hour to check it out. Sure enough the furnace was leaking gas, but the gentleman was more concerned with the 4,000 ppm carbon monoxide that was coming into the house from the base of the water heater. Once again, I heard the words, "Oh my God, you should all be dead!"

I knew I was sick and getting sicker but I attributed it to the first Carbon Monoxide leak. I had been told that one of the things that happen to people who have had these leaks was eventually they would get MS. So I had been researching this for a while. My knees hurt terribly, especially my right one, which was so swollen most of the time that my pants were tight on it. I couldn't walk normally up and down the stairs, my joints hurt all the time. I felt like crying all the time. Once again my head hurt all the time, I had a hard time keeping my thoughts together. My one daughter was continually monitoring me because she was so concerned. She was the one who made me call Questar.

Now eight months after this, I realize once again how extremely sick I was. When you are in the thick of life, sometimes it takes someone else to point out that things just aren't right and that there needs to be some change. We now have a new furnace and water heater in this house. We
have been trying to sell our home so we weren't going to fix anything, just sell it as is. Do not make the same mistake we made, make sure that you have your furnace and water heater checked out yearly! They always remind you about the furnace but I am here to tell you that the water heater is just as important!

I am retelling these stories in hopes that if there is someone out there who can't seem to get better, it may be your home. You may have a leak, or leaks, like we did and not have enough to kill you, just make you deathly sick. Black mold could be your culprit. This couple had been being monitored by their doctors the whole time and no one knew the answer until her parents came to stay! Doctors are not looking for this type of problem, I think because usually the people die or it is very obvious that there is a leak. Please, please, please, if you can't get seem to get better and you are sick all the time, please have your home checked.

I pray each of you who read this will have much Health, Peace and Happiness. If you know anyone that you might suspect has a similar situation, please help them. They are probably having a hard time thinking for themselves and just plain can't figure out why. God Bless.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

YEAH! I think I am on my way with this! I have worked with several clients today and once again I am reminded how important our water intake is. We desperately need to keep hydrated at all times. The common rule is to drink 1 quart of water for every 50 lbs we carry. Very few of us even come close to this amount of water. When I am consistent with my water, my energy level remains high and I just generally feel better all over. I am amazed at how many of us do not even come close to drinking what we need. Women who are pregnant need to drink consistently because the water around the baby changes every 3 hours, you will become toxic if you aren't drinking enough and so will the baby. Spread your water throughout the day, DO NOT try to drink it all at once, that will not work, it will just make you sick. While you are building up to the amount of water you should be drinking, you will be fast friends with the bathroom! That will last for about 2 - 3 weeks, after that you can still drink a lot and only go every few hours. Again you will be amazed at your energy level and just your general wellness. It is amazing what water can do.

Monday, July 26, 2010

This is my very first post! I am excited to be able to write down many of my thoughts on the things that I have done for myself and my family. Having 13 children has opened up the opportunity to learn much about taking care of many different kinds of illness. I pray that I can pass on to others many of the things we have learned as a family. I am going to keep this simple today, love to all.