Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Corn Silk Tea & Bladder Infections

I have had several of my daughters and many clients ask me what I would do for bladder infections. Uncle Stanley taught me to use the silk off of corn on the cob. You just make a tea with it and drink about one to two quarts a day for a few days. Although, usually one day will do it. You don't want to use the dark brown silk on the end of the corn, always use the nice silk wrapped around the cob of corn. He said to put 3 Tab. of silk per quart. You bring your water to a boil and then take it off the heat. Put your corn silk in and let it steep for about 20 minutes. You can add Peppermint to it to give it a nice flavor. Peppermint is known to aid digestion and to calm nerves. The corn silk is known to also help alleviate water retention. He even had me use it on my kids that were bed wetters. I could give them a cup of tea before bed and they would not pee the bed! It was amazing. Almost everyone says this sounds too simple and it truly is, but it really really works. I also used it when I was retaining a ton of water with one of my pregnancies. I drank a gallon during the afternoon and evening on a Sunday. I was in the bathroom peeing all night long, but in the morning I wasn't swollen at all and I never did balloon back up to where I had been before! I pray this will help someone out there that hasn't been able to find an answer, God Bless!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I am blown away at how much time has gone by so quickly this week!!! I was going to write at least every other day and then life just kept happening faster than I could run. I had the privilege of helping one of our girls with her birth this last week. She just needed extra moral support and I was one of the blessed ones who got to be there. Once again I am reminded how delicate life is and how blessed we are to have these children borne to us. She ended up needing a c - section and will be in the hospital until next Tuesday or Wednesday. The baby swallowed some of the merconium in the amniotic fluid, she ended up with an infection through her system. We had hundreds of people praying for her and her mom. She is responding well to the treatment of antibiotics that she is receiving and appears to be doing very well. I realized watching this come down the way it did, how very blessed I have been and how grateful I am for each one of my children. I am grateful that so many people, so very quickly responded in prayer for this little family. I can't say Thank You enough!!! God Bless each of you who know the truth about prayer and that God is the master physician, we are all truly in His hands. God Bless.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Last week I was so excited because I had accomplished so much! I worked on 6 people on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday, did about 7 batches of wash on Friday, worked on 3 people on Saturday evening and I still felt pretty good. I was pretty tired every day by the end of the day but for the most part I was doing great! Then when I awoke on Sunday, I was in so much pain I wanted to cry. My head was pounding and my whole body ached. After a few hours I was ready to just quit life. It was so discouraging to wake up like that. I realized that the day before I probably hadn't drank enough water and I was just pushing too hard. I got focused on Sunday, after a good cry, and kept my water up to snuff. I went to bed at a decent time and got a good nights sleep. The next day I awoke feeling a ton better! I just needed a day to rest and get caught back up on my water. Even today was a good day! It just goes to show that every once in a while you will have a bad day, but you just need to give yourself a break, relax, drink your water and stay positive so your body can continue to heal. Again, I went to bed early last night and woke up feeling refreshed. I have done a lot of laundry again and gotten a lot done around the house, so I am hoping that tomorrow will be a good day. I may need to slow down again but that is OK. I may be slow but I am still plugging along, I will win this battle!

God Bless all of you who may be struggling to not give up! Tomorrow may be a better day!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Consistency to healing with natural ways is extremely important!

Sometimes when you are really sick, you need to do what we call front loading. I know that to get quick results I must take herbal remedies every 20 - 30 minutes for 3 - 5 hours. Sometimes when I have been really sick I have even taken a product every 10 - 15 min. When my low blood sugar was giving me a bad time for the first two weeks I had to take my T-HYPO every 10 - 15 min to stay balanced. After those first two weeks I was able to cut down to every to 2 - 3 hours and then just 3 -5 times a day after that. I lived on that stuff for about 2 years. It has been 26 years since I have needed it. I feel like I need it again and I am starting to take it once more. I know though that the better I eat and make sure that I drink my water, then I won't need it as much. One of the best books I have ever read for different needs for the body is "Prescription for Nutritional Healing" by the Balsch's. Mr. Balsch is an MD and his wife is a licensed Nutritionist, together they are quite a team. You can't go wrong referring to this book for your health needs. They cover many of the natural ways to heal and also much of the medicinal healing. They even give you specific doses for each product that you may need to use. I highly recommend that any who do not have this book, invest in it. It will be worth every penny you spend, I promise!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Emotional Healing

As I have worked with emotional healing over the past 20 years, I have been amazed at how much emotions can and will affect your body. As I have emotionally healed, many of the physical pains that I have experienced have literally left my body. There are many things that you can do for your emotional healing. There is a book called "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die", by Karol Kuhn. This is one of the best books that I have ever used for emotional healing. She gives scientific evidence proving that you can literally heal your DNA through proper emotional work. Scientists can prove that positive thoughts can and will change your DNA for the positive while negative thoughts can and will change your DNA for the negative. Her illustrations in this book are amazing. She has a script that she wrote that will help you to change the negative in your life to positive and thus bring about healing. She lists many negatives that we may be experiencing or may have experienced in our lives and then lists many positives to replace those negatives. I pooh poohed this way to heal until I tried it and had very incredible results. This truly works! You can pick this book up at Shirlyn' Natural Foods, Barnes & Noble or just about any health food store. If you are truly committed to your healing, this is one of the best places to start. Happy reading and healing, God Bless!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Necessity of Spiritual Food.

This morning I visited The Adventure Church with my family. Every time I have gone there, I have been touched by the spirit. I want these people to know how much I love and appreciate them, for the efforts that they put in to be there every Sunday. I love Eric & Jodi very much for the example they set and the love that they extend to all. Ira, Cynthia, Doug & Kuula (sorry about the spelling) are incredible too. I truly love all of you and pray the Lord will continue to bless you in your efforts to assist in bringing people to Christ. I know from past experience that you need spiritual food as well as temporal food to survive. The spiritual food to me is far more important in your healing process. God truly knows each of us and what our needs are, if we would just listen to what He has to say to us. For those of you who are looking for a safe place to worship, which we all need occasionally, this is a place for that. These people are truly dedicated to the Lord and will welcome all with open arms. Again God Bless you and thank you with all of my heart!

It is a proven fact that those who are prayed for, have a 27% better chance of getting better than those who are not! Some insurance company's will even pay people to pray for their clients because of these statistics.