Saturday, November 27, 2010

On Thursday when I awoke, once again I did not have a raging headache! I really had a pretty good day until late in the afternoon. While we were eating dinner, the headache returned. Once again I took the product and had a very good reaction within a short while. I am convinced that this product really is helping.

On Friday morning, I once again awoke feeling pretty good. I didn't take my glutathione until late in the afternoon and was well into a raging headache. I feel that the headaches were also triggered by the combination of foods for Thanksgiving.

I felt fairly good this morning but again by about 2:00 p.m. I went into a raging headache. But, we went to a very emotional funeral at 1:00 and I am sure that that contributed as well. Today is the first time that I have felt the pounding pain in my neck as well as my head, since I started taking the glutathione. That in itself is very exciting to me! Always before my neck and head would pound most of the morning, until I had been up for awhile. Definitely something is changing and hopefully will become a permanent change. I am going to hit the bed shortly, I am sure lack of sleep doesn't help anything.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I have been praying for some answers, I feel that I haven't had all of the nutrients needed to properly heal. The other day a friend from my Rising Star days called me to see how I was doing. We talked for a few minutes and she told me about a product she and her husband were using that had helped them immensely. It's base is Glutathione, an amino acid. I brushed it off in my mind until the next day when Dr. Mercola posted in his e-mail that Glutathione is one of the most important amino acids out there. It is the master nutrient in caring for the well being of the cell. So I called my friend back and yesterday we went to lunch with Eric from the main company to cuss and discuss this product and why it is superior to all others. Today I took it for the first time at 7:30 a.m and 4:00 p.m.. Both times within 20 - 30 minutes I felt a huge difference in my head. It is almost like a release of tension. I always have a headache in the morning, but this morning my headache dissipated after taking this product and was gone until about 3:30. That is amazing to me, not much touches my head these days. So when I got a huge relief this afternoon also, I am impressed, but still want to continue taking it for the 30 days to see what it really might do. I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

After Moss worked on me the second time, my body felt better for a day but I have hurt pretty much ever since. My knees actually seem better though, I can step very carefully on them and actually walk up the stairs normal. I still am very careful because my right knee still screams at me occasionally when I put much pressure on it. It has been amazing to go up the stairs normal!

I am monitoring what I eat and how much I drink. I am avid about drinking water, I know what a difference it makes for me when I do drink as much as I need. My energy is completely different when I am drinking my water. I wish I could get everyone to drink the water they need.

When I had the first C.O. poisoning, Ana was 18 months old when we found it. We had all been very sick, I swear from the day I conceived her, until the leak was discovered. Just because the leak is fixed doesn't mean that you are going to be OK. It truly takes some time to get even semi back to normal! After studying the effects of this, I don't know if we will ever know normal again.

I wonder how many people in this country are suffering from the effects of C.O. and they don't even know it. Never in my wildest dreams did I think we would have this problem and for sure not twice! Just a simple exposure can cause all kinds of nerve damage and we have had two prolonged exposures. I am wondering what we are facing down the road, it doesn't sound promising. I do believe though that we can put a major curb in what most people go through just by watching our diet and supplementing. I will be forever grateful to Uncle Stanley and all that he taught me.

Right now I have decided to do the Lemon, Maple Syrup and Cayenne cleanse. I am not going to be strict but I am going to do it every day or so or even a few days in a row. They say that the people of the LDS Church should be one of the healthiest groups around, just because they fast one day a month! I feel that I can't do a bunch of days in a row, but I can do one or two here and there. I will continue to supplement because I know I am low in some areas.

I will be headed out shortly to get what I need. I really want to feel decent again. It is nice to feel as good as I do now but I really want to wake up without a headache some day. It has been a long time since I haven't had a headache or a body ache. Pain after a while gets really old.